anniversary of the founding of the school 意味

  • anniversary of the founding of the school


        anniversary of the founding of a school:    開校記念日{かいこう きねんび}
        anniversary of the founding:    創立記念日{そうりつ きねんび}
        anniversary of the founding of:    ~の創立{そうりつ}_周年{しゅうねん}◆anniversary の直前に序数(first, second, third)が入る
        anniversary of founding (of prc):    anniversary of founding (of PRC) 国慶節 こっけいせつ
        founding:    founding 創始 そうし 鋳造 ちゅうぞう 創立 そうりつ 創設 そうせつ
        anniversary:     anniversary n. 記念日, 周年祭. 【動詞+】 The college has attained its sixty-third anniversary. その大学は創立以来 63 年になった celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of Mozart's birth モーツァルトの生誕 200 年を祝う
        bell founding:    鋳鐘術
        founding (of empire):    founding (of empire) 開闢 かいびゃく
        founding charter:    基本綱領{きほん こうりょう}
        founding expenses:    創立費{そうりつひ}
        founding family:    創業家{そうぎょう か}、創業者一族{そうぎょうしゃ いちぞく}
        founding father:    建国の父[始祖]、創始者、創設者、創立者
        founding member:    創立会員{そうりつ かいいん}
        founding of a nation:    founding of a nation 建国 けんこく 立国 りっこく
        founding of a state:    founding of a state 肇国 ちょうこく


  1. "anniversary of the establishment of" 意味
  2. "anniversary of the foundation of a corporation" 意味
  3. "anniversary of the founding" 意味
  4. "anniversary of the founding of" 意味
  5. "anniversary of the founding of a school" 意味
  6. "anniversary of the great kanto earthquake" 意味
  7. "anniversary of the world war ii surrender" 意味
  8. "anniversary project" 意味
  9. "anniversary reaction" 意味
  10. "anniversary of the founding of" 意味
  11. "anniversary of the founding of a school" 意味
  12. "anniversary of the great kanto earthquake" 意味
  13. "anniversary of the world war ii surrender" 意味

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